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Understanding Green Branding Strategies

If you haven’t noticed already, everyone is climbing aboard the green branding train.  If your company hasn’t already thought about green, you can bet that some of your customers are. As scary things like climate change and shrinking forests become more threatening, consumers are looking for ways to fight back and save the world. They want to buy products they can feel good about. This means that as consumer interests become more environmentally focused, so must green branding strategies. If you feel like you’ve missed the green branding train, here are some green branding strategy tips that should keep you from waiting on the tracks.

Consumer Misconceptions
So just who is this consumer? Many seem to think its college-aged adults. It seems logical with their computer-dependent-paper-free life styles. In reality, it is adults, especially women, ages 55 and older that have a stronger tendency towards eco-responsibility. We feel that traditional demographics are hard to apply to green branding, because thinking green is a choice that can be made by all people from all lifestyles.

Be Creative
As consumers become more mindful of global issues, they expect companies to do the same. They still want high quality products that perform well and are convenient to use, but now they also want them to have the least environmental impact. This means that in order for your green branding strategies to work you have to be ready to be creative, and flexible with messaging. When customers demand and expect more, be ready to surprise them. Go above and beyond. Start saving the world when no one’s looking.

Emphasize Community
Consumers want to contribute to things that are meaningful and important to them. Naturally people care about the quality of a product, but they also have an emotional itch that needs to be scratched. People want to save the world now. Not fifty years from now. They need to see immediate rewards for making their green decision. And no one wants to save the world alone. Emphasize community so that consumers know their efforts are part of a collective.

Education is Key
Many consumers that have chosen to go green are already well informed about environmental and social issues, but who doesn’t like to learn more about things they’re passionate about? It’s a good idea to teach people new things or contribute more information about things that are already well known. This can correct misconceptions and help consumers think more about their product options.

Be Yourself
Finally, green consumers like authenticity, and they can spot a phony. They want reliable products and a company that provides what it says it’s going to. Prove that you’re credible by being totally transparent. To make sure you’re being genuine, it helps if your brand is green at its core. If you are selling something that isn’t green then green branding strategies are probably not for you. If you have to force it, it will look forced and your consumers will know. Just be honest. If you have any imperfections, address them. Consumers will trust you more if you don’t pretend to be perfect.

As long as you stay honest, stay engaging, and stay creative, you shouldn’t have any trouble with green branding strategy.